Friday, December 16, 2005

I've got a weather forecast for ya. It's gonna be cold, gray and it's gonna last the rest of your life.

What's this "Feels Like" garbage. Let me tell ya something. I don't give a flying, hot damn if in meteorlogical (is that a word?) terms it is "only" -14 c, if it "Feels Like" -24 c than it's freakin -24 C!! When did this start? So you're telling me there's people out there who care what the temperature "really" is, for serious? If so, why are we catering to these freaks? I remember coming home from elementary school with my top lip frozen to my winter jacket zipper, no feeling in my extremities and reciting psalms to keep concious; I didn't really care about what the temperature "really" was or just what it "felt like." In my opinion, it's a cruel jab from the meteorologists in their warm ivory towers to make us feel weak and subjugated. WELL KISS MY GRITS DAVID SPENCE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Festivus Cindy!