It’s Peanut Butter Jelly Time…no more.
I must say, despite several incredible moments, the aforementioned included, it may be time to hang up the old Family Guy uniform and retire. After a very, very tasteless shot on Sunday, I begin to realize one of the downfalls of being a grown up and having convictions, some things you just can’t shrug off. They crossed a line, a line they have crossed before, but for some reason, I just can’t shake my head and carry on about this one. So Stewie, Brian, Peter, Lois, Chris, uh…the other one and greased up deaf guy, adieu. I have found a new love; Arrested Development.
But don’t you worry about me, I’ll be fine, you probably don’t even have a spare room…do you?
Which brings me the silver lining of this particular cloud. I now have in my possession, a friend with whom I can make fun of literally any movie I watch. I mean, anything. And not just make fun, but enter into a Utopian state of sarcasm which has seldom been matched outside the theatre.
Case and point: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
Now this was a fantastic movie. Honestly. I saw it on Friday and I thoroughly enjoyed it. But I couldn’t help but feel lonely in that packed theatre, something was missing.
So I returned on a last minute escapade with some friends – one friend in particular - the following evening to see it again at 11:30 at night. We raped and pillaged that movie. Not as much as we did with ‘Stealth’, but rarely does a movie THAT bad come around. But we got to use the horrible lines from that movie and others to make fun of this one. Lines such as, “That Polyjuice Potion has Fundamentally Altered his DNA!!”
Do we have any qualms that the theatre was full; full of people who had been waiting in line for over an hour to see this sold out show? No. Can’t say as we do.
Sure we try and keep as quiet as we can, but when Harry is on the ground writhing in pain, and your friend yells out “quick get his Epi-Pen!” I ask you, could you help but laugh.
I implore you all, if you don’t have a friend like this, find one. It is so choice.
So life is a little better now. And I know this is the start of a beautiful friendship. Well, not really because she’s been my friend for like two years, but…yeah…don’t really know where I’m going with this.
So see the movie, and don’t be afraid to immaturely jab at it just because it is a masterpiece.