Saturday, March 11, 2006

Unfortunately for the music, it bit

I should've suspected as much, but I was holding out for a bit of a Friday night miracle considering it was my last dance. But alas it was nothing but techno, rave, full-body spasm type music to which I could not groove. But there were a few saving graces thanks to one Mr Sean Paul.
I got a bit more emotional than I expected I would, and with people that I never would have thought. But sure enough, good-byes were said and I can honestly say that missing my life as it is now will only be remedied by losing myself in the work.
Oh, the latest in the grand plot to thwart me from serving this mission... I recieved a letter from my Mission President telling me what I REALLY need to buy instead of the Salt Lake list. When did I recieve said list? Yesterday. Three days before I leave.I get the REAL list which unhappily doesn't include much of what I've already purchased. This was the straw that broke the camel's back, or the camel that broke the straw's back...either way it was bad.
So I left it up to Heavenly Father, I said "If I'm not supposed to go, ram a car into me right now and make it so I physically can't go." Barring an unfortunate bus accident...I'm still going.


~Cayla~ said...

So..I seriously hope you saw Family guy tonight...they did a part from Better Off Dead!!!, I couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably and think of you!..Love and miss you already!

Lydia and Josh said...

hi its hermana jones. FYI. i put a link on my blog to your blog. start posting again because blogs are cool!