Friday, January 27, 2006

...Recount? Please...Recount

I know it would be useless, I know that Hamas won by a landslide, but it's as easy to swallow as one of those giant Vitamin C's...who the hell would make non-chewable Vitamin C's, I ask you; Just cause I'm an adult, I'm supposed to grow out of orange chewable vitamins...screw you!
Anyway, it's a sick co-incidence that today is the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Considering how the newly elected Palestinian leaders live by a covenant focused on destroying their Jewish neighbors. All the while Sharon is comatose and his stand in, Prime Minister Olmert is starting to seriously question career choices.
By the way, the leaders of Hamas, have you read about these guys? The first was born in a refugee camp and expelled to southern Lebanon by Israeli forces. The second spent 25 YEARS in an Israeli prison! Something tells me these memories will not be sedated by this recent surge of power.
It can't be all so severe. I'm sure that these men will eventually be open to peace talks with Israel, hey and maybe they'll decide to hop on the UN wagon. And maybe the Palestinians will embrace Jewish culture by watching Seinfeld and Woody Allen movies whilst eating pretzels and painting their press-on nails. Actually... no.
I guess democracy's only good when the entire population DOESN'T want to destroy another entire population.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Just a quick FYI...

1.For those who will be in want of something fantastic to do February 17 - come on out to a going away bash at mi casa. Pretty much the same format as the birthday party.

2.For those who enjoy seeing me fumble my words in nervousness and sway from one foot to the other whilst public speaking - come to my farewell on February 26 @ 17th!
(I guess I'm not supposed to call it a Farewell, so I'll call it a Formal Address Recounted Entirely With Elegant but Longwinded Love...yeah, we'll use the acronym so it's ... CRAP!
-If you can't make it to that one, there's one in my hood (Drumheller) on March 12...I sincerely doubt I will see any one of you there, even though there's dinosaurs...and fossils...and...dirt.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Don't Go Paul... Who will Screw Us Over when you're gone?

Well as long as the Liberals are still around and holding onto their 103 seats, I'm sure the screwing over will be taken care of.
I am excited for a Conservative victory, don't get me wrong. But I was a little disappointed when I voted not to see a greater diversity of party representation.
My riding didn't even have a Marxist-Leninist party rep, come on!

Monday, January 23, 2006

GO VOTE!!!!!!!!!

I Weep for the Future

Saturday night as I returned home from a very chic dinner party populated by 40-something women in skin-tight cocktail dresses vying for the attention of a single 50-something millionaire; I decided to enjoy my youth and state of poverty and stay up for SNL.
The monologue was good, Peter Sarsgaard hosted - for those who don't know him, as I did not, he is the voice of the alien from American Dad, and the bad guy from Flightplan (co-starring the Sean Bean). But every skit was garbage. They did a semi-funny commercial for baby toupees and a tolerable montage for "Young Chuck Norris" but that was it.
I hope this is simply an effect of my progression in life. I remember my brothers and sisters recounting that their generation of SNL was the best with the likes of Mike Myers, Dana Carvey and Chris Farley. I cannot deny it. But they were appalled with my generation of Cheri Oteri, Will Farrel and Molly Shannon; to which I contend. Those years, while wholly unappreciated by most, gave us some unforgettable moments and I hold them dear to my heart. I went through those tumultuous teenage years with Mary Catherine Gallagher, Mango, the Roxbury Guys and the Spartans, and I'm very glad I did, it made me good people.
Even the intoduction of Jimmy Fallon, Maya Rudolph and Amy Poehler took some time, but they pulled through with some classics.
But I cannot condone the direction the show has now taken. The saving grace comes in the form of Fey, Poehler, Hammond, Parnell and Sanz. I just can't get a taste for these new guys. Seth Meyers - potential. Will Forte - not bad. But the rest have yet to prove themselves and the clock is ticking.
Perhaps it's my advanced years, but I find it difficult to stay up alone to watch SNL when the dissappointment ratio grows to depressing levels.
But I will not give up on SNL, not as long as I'm around ... and Lorne Michaels.

By the way.......GO VOTE!!!!!!!!