Friday, January 27, 2006

...Recount? Please...Recount

I know it would be useless, I know that Hamas won by a landslide, but it's as easy to swallow as one of those giant Vitamin C's...who the hell would make non-chewable Vitamin C's, I ask you; Just cause I'm an adult, I'm supposed to grow out of orange chewable vitamins...screw you!
Anyway, it's a sick co-incidence that today is the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Considering how the newly elected Palestinian leaders live by a covenant focused on destroying their Jewish neighbors. All the while Sharon is comatose and his stand in, Prime Minister Olmert is starting to seriously question career choices.
By the way, the leaders of Hamas, have you read about these guys? The first was born in a refugee camp and expelled to southern Lebanon by Israeli forces. The second spent 25 YEARS in an Israeli prison! Something tells me these memories will not be sedated by this recent surge of power.
It can't be all so severe. I'm sure that these men will eventually be open to peace talks with Israel, hey and maybe they'll decide to hop on the UN wagon. And maybe the Palestinians will embrace Jewish culture by watching Seinfeld and Woody Allen movies whilst eating pretzels and painting their press-on nails. Actually... no.
I guess democracy's only good when the entire population DOESN'T want to destroy another entire population.

1 comment:

~Cayla~ said...

My small, psychology packed brain can't handle this blog today! haha. ..but as for the vitamin c...i totally agree! I freakin love the the tangy taste of orange, chewable vitamins...the flinstone vitamins are also wicked cool!. Oh, and I just thought I would let you know that i jumped on the blogwagon..its