I never thought that I would seek refuge from an online social network in the electronic arms of an online journaling system. Freedom takes on new form as contemplation reveals that no one will ever read these posts other than me. My lack of conspiracy theories, celebrity gossip, controversial opinions or naked pictures makes this blog faceless amongst millions; bland, self-indulgent and directionless. You'd be just as well to watch an episode of Jersey Shore... unless you have an affinity for orange spray tans and plastic hair extensions.
It's Wednesday. Has anything good ever happened on a Wednesday? I'll save the 'googlaholics' the trouble of finding out which day of the week the Independence of the United States was on; my point is that Wednesdays are the black jelly bean of the days of the week. Sure you know some moron that "loves black jelly beans" and gladly serves as everyone's paltry jelly bean receptical. But this black jelly bean day would be difficult to pander off of anyone else I suspect.
4:05. Sitting at my desk. Contemplating the frigid cold that awaits me outside my office as today's high touched a balmy -27 celcius today with the wind chill (for my feelings on "wind chill" please refer to previous blog postings). When did work become an escape? Isn't that the very definition of a bleak existence? Regardless, after a long day whose highlights included finding out my car accident in November has been determined to not be my fault. So let all the morons in the world who try to make a left hand turn from the far right hand lane take note - justice may be slow... ya, I don't know how to finish that off. Having to throw bottles of water and gatorade on my windshield at stop lights for 3 months has slightly "gatoraded-down" the victory for me.
The winter seems to have sucked more than just the will to be awake from my body, it has also depleated my body of Vitamin D to the point where I'm now at half of the lowest healthy level. Perhaps this accounts for my zombie like daily activity.
These, coupled with several other matters account for the recent inventory I've engaged in to re-evaluate my direction.
Any thoughts?